ABI Photography is owned by Dennis Way. He has been a professional photographer since 1978. Dennis has photographed over 1,850 Weddings and over 2,100 social events. As a Certified Professional Photographer, Dennis has had many mentors and is professionally trained in portraiture. He sat on the board of the PPSDC (Professional Photographers of San Diego County) for 10 years and has been a member of the Professional Photographers of America. ABI is located in San Diego and Dennis travels all over Southern California and throughout the United States. Please reach out for more information

I trained in photography with film and made the switch to digital in the late 1990’s. Because I learned the art prior to digital, I honed my skills to set up effectively and use lighting and posing to make each photo count. This gives me a lot of practical knowledge to get the job done right the first time. Many new-to-the-industry photographers only rely on Photoshop to correct images. I bring years of skill and after a few minutes of prepreparation and information exchange, I’ll have a good idea of what you want and will use all of the tools in my arsenal to get it right. No software can make up for experience. If needed I will use some editing software to make small corrections.
Office 858-279-3337 or Cell 858-232-1929.